Monthly Self-Inspection Program

At least once a month, an inspection should be made by the supervisory personnel of all buildings and grounds at each facility. The purpose of the self-inspection is to detect and correct unsafe conditions or unsafe acts before an accident occurs.

Inspections are essential if the following accident causes are to be detected:

  • Obvious Hazards. These are conditions such as a hole in the parking lot, a stairway with insufficient lighting, an uneven sidewalk, or a damaged handrail; conditions that are dangerous because of their very existence.
  • Conditions that at the moment may not be hazardous but which could easily be converted to a hazard, i.e., a downspout emitting water when it rains, becoming a hazard when the water freezes.
  • Employee action that is hazardous to the employee involved, i.e., an employee stepping on the uppermost step of a step ladder.
  • Employee actions that may not be hazardous to the individual at the moment but in which he or she is creating hazard to others, i.e., employee recklessly driving a vehicle.

Self-inspection reports must be kept on file. Particular attention must be paid to corrective actions taken or planned. Our insurer may request these reports at random times, and certainly in the event of claim.

It is suggested that the inspection of the parish be divided into different parts, including the following:

  • SCHOOL – by Principal or designated teacher
  • YARDS, PARKING AREAS, SIDEWALKS – by maintenance man or custodian
  • RECTORY – by Associate Pastor
  • CONVENT- by Mother Superior

Examples of hazards that should be covered during an inspection are as follows:

  • Housekeeping that results in tripping or slipping or in fire hazards (empty ashtrays), smoking in buildings, cigarette butts on floors, or overloading rooms with flammable materials or hazardous waste products
  • Aisles and walkways should not be blocked and should not present slip or trip hazards, such as missing tiles
  • Ladders, scaffolds and walkboards – such equipment may be improperly placed or used unsafely
  • Hand trucks should be in good condition and safely stored
  • Condition of floors, platforms, railings and stairs
  • Lighting – Is it adequate and working?
  • Ventilation – Are there any problems, such as units out of action, fans without guards?
  • Dust, fumes and gases – Are there any problems?
  • Conditions of locker rooms and restrooms
  • Exits – Clear and well-marked? Do any lights need to be replaced?
  • Unsafe acts – Any performed on the premises?
  • Condition of safety signs and equipment
  • Electric generators – Condition? Are there periodic tests?
  • Emergency lights, smoke and heat detectors, fire extinguishers and fire alarm systems – Are they fully operational?
  • Electrical equipment, such as temporary wiring, junction box covers missing, outlets smashed, etc.
  • Parking Lots – Are there holes, ruts, metal projections from the surface or damaged, hazardous fences
  • Stairways – Are all stairway surfaces safe and unobstructed
  • Handrails – Do all stairways have handrails and are they secure?

For any additional loss control information on these topics or other topics that are applicable to your school or parish, please contact Willis Insurance Services of Georgia, Inc.

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