Loss Prevention

The concept of loss prevention is based on the principle of preventing injuries to persons, the conservation of property, and controlling the well-being of the individual and the Diocese. It also involves instilling in the individual a personal concern for the protection of life and property.

No phase of administration or operations is of greater importance than safety and loss prevention. Accidents that result in personal injury and damage to property represent needless waste. Therefore, it is the policy of the Diocese of Trenton to maintain all property free of unnecessary hazards and to conduct all operations safely, thereby avoiding injuries to persons and damage to property.

Planning for loss prevention shall start with the design and continue through purchasing, operation and maintenance of all Diocesan facilities and locations. All practical steps must be taken to maintain safe and healthful buildings and properties. In addition, loss prevention measures shall be integrated at all times with operating functions. All supervisory personnel must accept responsibility for the prevention of losses on operations under their direction.


Loss Prevention Responsibilities

The responsibility for loss prevention is rested in Diocesan management with each level of management being accountable to its superior for its performance in this vital area. At the same time, each employee has a responsibility not only for his or her safety, but for the safety of fellow employees, school children, parents and all parish members. Loss prevention responsibilities include the following:



The Diocese has the ultimate responsibility for the loss control program and its participation is most important. Diocesan participation includes the following:

  • Placing safety and loss control on its agenda when having periodic meetings with pastors and other religious personnel.
  • Insisting that each level of Diocesan management carries out their loss control responsibilities.
  • Using safety performance and loss control as one important consideration in the evaluation of subordinate’s performance.


Pastor and Diocesan Director

For loss prevention to be effective, the Pastor or Diocesan Director at each location must be involved and must carry out these responsibilities:

  • Insist that each level of management reporting to him carry out their loss control responsibilities.
  • Use safety performance as one important consideration in the annual evaluation of subordinates’ performance.
  • Review and critique accident investigation reports for completeness.
  • Require supervisory reports following the monthly safety inspections of their areas.
  • Review and discuss loss prevention problems during periodic staff meetings.


School Principal

  • Take safety performance into consideration in evaluating overall performance of each teacher or other person reporting to him or her.
  • Insist that each teacher follows through on all assigned safety responsibilities and sets a good example for other teachers, parents and students.
  • Determine that emergency fire and evacuation programs are properly organized, coordinated with local town authorities and maintained at a good operating level.
  • Review and discuss loss prevention programs and problems during staff meetings.
  • Follow up on all suggestions, recommendations and complaints.


Supervisor of Maintenance

  • Investigate all serious accidents in his area of responsibility. (All accidents requiring outside medical attention are considered serious.)
  • Maintain an effective fire prevention system in all facilities under his jurisdiction.
  • Train and motivate employees to perform operations in a safe and effective manner.
  • Continually observe operations and facilities for unsafe acts and unsafe conditions and take immediate correction action when required.


Each Employee

This includes each teacher, each nun, each maintenance man, each custodian and every other member on the parish staff. These responsibilities are for the benefit of all employees, school children, parents and members of the parish:

  • Report all unsafe acts and unsafe conditions to higher supervision.
  • Report all accidents or injuries immediately.
  • Perform all work in as safe a manner as possible.
  • Be familiar with and abide by all parish safety rules and regulations.