Special Events FAQs

Our parish is hosting the annual picnic on Saturday at a local park and we will be serving alcohol to adults. There is no permission needed to use the picnic area at the park, nor are there laws against open containers at the park. Do we need to purchase this Special Event Coverage?

If the event is taking place at a premises not scheduled on the Diocesan location schedule, and it is a parish/school sponsored event, coverage is provided by the Diocese of Trenton liability program. However, vendors providing food, drink, or alcoholic beverages must provide you with a Certificate of Insurance evidencing at least $1,000,000 General Liability limit and will need to include the Parish, the Pastor, the Diocese of Trenton and Bishop David M. O’Connell, as well as show the location where the event is going to be held, as Additional Insured’s.

How do I get Special Event Coverage?

Please see our Special Events Coverage section for more details.